Dagens WOD

Programmering v 10

Vecka 10 


Four sets of: 

Pullups x 6-8 reps 

Rest 45 sec 

KB press x 10-12 reps 

Rest 45 sec 

Partnered leg tosses x 12-15 reps 

Rest 45 sec 

Three sets for max reps/cal: 

60 sec row for cal 

30 sec rest 

60 sec KBS 

30 sec rest 

60 sec renegade rows 

30 sec rest 


In teams of 2, complete as many rounds and reps ass possible in 30 min of: 

400 m row 

30 boxjumps 

30 wallballs 

Team-members Will alternate tasks, with only one member working at a time. 


Five sets of: 

Unsupported seated strict press x 3-4 reps 

Rest 60 sec 

Alternating pistols x 12-16 reps (add weight if possible) 

Rest 60 sec 

AMRAP 12 min 

5 strict hspu or L-seated KB press 

10 t2b 

15 ringdips or pushups 

30 DU or lateral jumps over paralettes 


EMOM 18 min 

1. Front squat x 6 reps (add weight if you make all 6 reps) 

2. Supinated grip pullups x 6 reps (add weight if you make all 6 reps) 

3. 6 burpees + 100 m row 

For time: 

Row 1000 m 

75 KBS 

50 wb 

EMOM 6 min 

1. Supine ring rows x 8 reps 

2. Bottom´s up KB carry x 25 yards each arm 


Skills: Ring MU / bar MU 

For time: 

You go – I go: 

20 c2b 

10 strict presses 50/35 

20 Ohs 

30 pushpress 

40 front squat 

50 clean 

60 backsquats 

If you drop the barbell both teammembers must do 100 m row each. 

Buy out: 3 MU bar or ring / 4 strict c2b / 6 strict vertical chin pullups 


Every 2 min for 18 min: 

Min 1-2, 7-8 & 13-14: 3 rolls to candlestick + 6-8 ring or stationary dips 

Min 3-4, 9-10 & 16-16: 45-60 sec nose to wall handstand hold 

Min 5-6, 11-12 & 17-18: 45-60 sec Hollow rocks or hold 

Every 5 minute for 25 min (5 sets) complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of: 

400 m row 

KB manmakers (pushup, row left, row right, powerclean + pushpress) 

Rest 2 min and repeat when clock strikes the next 5 min interval for a total of 5 sets.