Dagens WOD

Programmering v 18

Programmering v 18

A/back squat 2-3 min rest between set

set 1. 5r@75%

set 2. 3r@ 85%

set 3. 1r@ 90%

set 4-6. 5r@85%
B/ 2 rounds for max reps

2 min rope climb or strict pull-ups

rest 60 sec

2 min pistols or high box steps-up

rest 60 sec

2 min DU

rest 60 sec

A/ 4x 7min AMRAP

a1. 6/6 controlled windmill

100 m run

a2. 9 burpees + 10/8 cal row

a3. 7 pull-ups + 10 KB thrusters

a4. 7/7 KB reverse lunges with rotation 

A/ 5x 10r hip-thrusters
B/emotm for 8 min

6-10 barbell row supinerat grepp

8-12 ring push-ups
C/ AMRAP 8 min ( use same barbell to all movments )

8 biceps curl

10 up right banded shoulder flyes

8 skull crusher

A/ emotm for 10 min

1 snatch deadlift to midthigh

2 power snatch

1 Ohs 2 sec in bottom
B/ 5 rft :

5/5 or DB snatch

10 box jump

15 wb
Fredag: team pass


4 rft

74 DU

17 power clean 50/30

14 sto

53 cal row or 37 cal AB

A/ e90s x 9 ( 3 of each )

a1. 30-45 sec hang in rack with hollow position

a2. 30-45 sec handstand hold

a3. 8-10 bamboo press
B/ 3 rft ( ct: 30 min )

400 m run

500 m row

30 cal AB