Dagens WOD

Programmering v 37

Programmering v 37

A/ e2mx 5 

2r snatch @60-70-80-80-85%
B/ E2M x6 front squat

2r @60-70-80-85-90-90
C/ emotm x 9

c1.1/1 TGU

c2.10-12 v-ups

c3.12-15 push-ups

2x 15 min 

A/ emotm 15 min

10-14 wb

10/8 skierg

8-12 t2b
B/ team of 2 (20 rounds) one round each

8/6 cal AB

10 hpc 45/30

5 burpee o bar

A/ E2M x 5 

2 clean + 2 jerk @60%

2 clean + 2 jerk @70

2 clean + 2 jerk @80

2 clean + 1 jerk @85

1 clean + 1 jerk @90
B/ E2M x 4 2 clean high pull @90% 1rm clean
C/ 10 min AMRAP

5 box-jump

10 cal row

10+10 front rack carry 2x 24/16-20

A/emotm for 16 min

b1 30 sec isometric pull-up hold

b2. 30 sec handstand hold

b3. 20-30 sec ring L-sit 

b4. rest
B/ Mikkos mini triangle 20 min

b1. row for cal

b2. AB for cal

b3. skierg for cal

b4. rest

A/ team of 2

10 rounds hillsprints ( one each) 
25 cal row

25 hr push-ups

25 pull-ups

25 wb

75 power snatch

25 wb

25 pull-ups

25 hr push-ups

25 AB 

E2M x 5

2 split jerk @50-60-70-80-80-80%
E2M x 4 

3 strict press @80%
C/ for time

60 double-unders

30 c2b

30 burpee o box

30 c2b

60 double-unders