Dagens WOD

Programmering v 19

Box prog v.19
A) E3M x 5
4/4 hb lunges
5-6 weighted pullups

B) alt emotm for 16 min
1. 9-12/8-11 cal row
2. 10-20 wb to 3,05
3. 8-11/7-10 cal row
4. 6-10 burpee box jump
A) emotm for 8 min x 3 rest 2 min between sets
1. 4-8 clean & jerk 60/40
2. 4-8 thrusters
3. 4-8 power snatch
4. 6-12 barfacing burpee o bar

B) 30 double unders + 15 air squat + 3-5 pullups
C) re doing A

A) e 75s x 5 backsquat
3-5 @3011
B) E3M x 5
8-10 seated strictpress
15 m bearcrawl
C) 3 rft
400m run
21 KBS 32/24
12 pullups

A) e75s x 10
2 power cleans
B) alt emotm 16 min
1. 8-14 t2b
2. 7/7-10/10 controlled side bent
3. 12/12-16/16 quick splitjumps with ball cross rotation

Fredag: team Friday
35 min AMRAP
80 m ish prowler push goes challenging
300 m run (both)
80 m ish buddy carry
12 D-ball/sandbag ground to over shoulder ( one active rest hang in rack )

A)e75s x 6
6-8 push-press
B) 3 set of :
10-12/10-12 DB/KB one arm row + max set of ub. push-ups
Rest 1-2 min between
C) 15 min AMRAP
8 double KB/DB cleans
8 v-ups
16 jumping lunges

A) Aerobic pacing intervals 3x 12 min rest 4 min between
70 double unders / 400 m run
50 cal row/35 cal AB
30 wb
15 KBS 32/24
7 hspu/ 7 ring push-ups
rt: 3 strict pull-ups
5 strict t2b
7 push-ups