Dagens WOD

Programmering v 20

A) E90s x 15 5 of each
1. 3-4 front squat @heavy
2. 6-8 DB seated press
3. 3-4 weighted pull-ups or eccentric
B) For time:
KB snatch, t2b
A) E 75s x 6
2 b.n pushpress 1 jerk
B) 2 min on 30 sec off x 12
1. 7/7 one arm front rack lunges rt: skierg
2. 8/8 trunk rotation + 8 V-ups rt: AB
3. 20 +20 farmers walk + 20m bearcrawl rt: shuttlerun
4. 10-20 sec hang in L-sit
A) 10 min hs walk practise or progression work
B) Team of 2
300 reps for time: 3 min on 1 min rest
1. Buy in 10m x 5 buddy carry AMRAP: stoh 40/30
2. Buy in 10m x 5 buddy carry AMRAP: burpee box jump over
3. Buy in 10m x 5 buddy carry AMRAP: double unders or single unders
A) Alt emotm x 20
1. 5-7 hang power clean
2. 1 hang power clean + 4-6 push-jerks
B) 20/15 cal AB
30 KBS 30 goblet squat
20 KBS 20 gs
10 KBS 10 gs
5 KBS 5 gs
20/15 cal AB
Fredag team
40 min AMRAP
400 m run (both with one 15/10 kg plate
6 rounds Cindy
400 m run ( both w plate )
6 rounds D-ball gto shoulder, 2 wall walk or 5 m hs walk
400 m run ( both w plate)
6 rounds 10 cleans 50/35, 10 t2b
A) 5 x 6-8 @21X1 bulgarian split squat r.a.n
B) 5 x 4-6 strict pull-ups + 8-10 push-ups r.a.n
C) 5 rft
25 abmat-situps, 9 Thrusters, 1 rope climb or 6/6 one arm ring row
Hero Sunday
30 double unders/ 9
15 pull-ups
30 air squat
100 m sprint
2 min rest