Dagens WOD

Programmering v 22


A) 5 x 8r back squat @21X1 rest 2-3 min between set
B) 18 min AMRAP
4 manmakers KB/DB 2x 20-24/ 12-16
8 box jump over
30 double unders/ 10 cal skierg
C) 3 set of 10 V-ups
10/10 side bent
10/10 dynamic side plank

A) hs hold free standing/ wall-shoulder taps- hs walk
B) Alt emotm for 24 min
1. 4-6 tng squat clean thrusters 45-60/35-50
2. 12-18 weighted 7/7 double DB lunges
3. 12-16 wb
4. 8-10/7-9 AB
5. 2x 15 m shuttle-run

A) E 90 sec x 5
1 push press 1 jerk

B) 20 min pacing effort practise
10 alt DB snatch
10 t2b
20 cal row/13 cal AB
15 KBS 32/24
10 sprawls

A) 5 x 6-8 r goodmornings @21X1 rest 2 min between
B) 3 set of
1. 6-8 strict pull-ups
2. 12-15/12-15 DB/KB row
3. Rest 2 min
C) 21-15-9 ct: 15 min
Squat clean 60/40
Ring dips/ diamond push-ups

Fredag team Friday or individual workout ct: 45 min

1 mile run ( both run )
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squat
1 mile run ( both run )

4 x 10 min workouts
A) alt emotm
1. 5/5-8/8 clean & press KB
2. 9-11/ 8-10 cal AB
B) 1000 m run rt: row for cal
C) 2/2 TGU, 8 v-ups with plate to press up.
20 m front rack carry 2x 24/16
D) I go you go (1 round each)
7 back squat
5 strict chin-ups ( assist eachother if needed)

Hero Marconi team of 2
2382 m row
Then: 20 rft
11 t2b
20 air squat
16 KBS 32/24