Dagens WOD

Programmering v9

A )E3M x 5
1 clean + 2 front squat
2-3 bmu or 3-4 sc2b or 4-6 spull-ups

B ) 2 rft
Hang cleans 40/25

Tisdag :
A ) 5 varv
5 romanien deadlift
10 seated strict press with DB
Rest 2 min

B ) team of 2
3 rounds of
20 devils press 22.5/15
40 box jump over

Onsdag :
A ) 5 set to built a heavy 5 RM back squat

B ) 18 min AMRAP
21/15 cal AB
Then 3 rounds
5 c2b
10 push-ups
15 air squat
Then 5 Ohs 50/35

Torsdag :
A ) Squat clean thrusters

B ) 2 rounds of ( 30 min )
4 min AMRAP
2 squat clean thrusters ( 60-70% ) of A
4 barfacing burpees
Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP
20 double unders
5 d-ball gtos
Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP
30 m unweighted WL
1 rmu or 3 strict c2b or 3-5 strict pull-ups
Rest 1 min

Fredag: Friday team of 2
4 rft
400 m row or 1.2 k AB
15 pull-ups
15 push press 50/35
Rest 3 min
For time
50 partner deadlift 140/100
50 t2b
50 synk one arm DB snatch 22.5/15

A ) E3M x 4
8-10 DB benchpress
6-8 ring dips

B ) for time in team of 2. TC: 15 min
2 k AB
2 k row

Söndag 3 x 10 min workouts 2 min between

  1. 10 min AMRAP
    7 KBS 32/24
    6 burpee box jump over
    2 Wall walk or 20 sec plank hold + 10 v-ups
  2. Within 10 min 3 rft
    35 double unders
    5 KB manmaker ( 1 push-ups 1 clean 1 thrusters with double KB )
    3 rope climb
  3. 10 min workout ( 5 of each )
    30 sec on 30 sec off
    a. Skierg
    b. Shuttle-run with D-ball/ sandbag 25/15