Dagens WOD

Programmering v 12

A )E2M x 5
1 power snatch 2 Ohs

B ) 30 Min AMRAP ( find a pace and stay in your zone )
400 m row or 1 k AB
6/6 KB/ DB clean and press
10 m x 2 WL with KB/DB front rack
10 t2b

Tisdag :
A ) 5 varv
8-10 hip thrusters @medium to heavy
10-12 KB/DB seated press

B ) for time in team of 2
Thrusters and box jump

Onsdag :
A ) E3M x 5
6-8 strict pull-ups
10 m bear crawl
30-40 sec L-sit or Tuck-sit in rings

B ) E3M x 5
1 power clean 5 front squat @70% 1 RM PC
12 bfb ( 4 fast and 8 paced )

Torsdag :
A ) technique rope clim

B ) 2 x 7 min AMRAP rest 4 min between

  1. 5/5 DB hang clean & jerk
    5 ctb
  2. DB snatch burpee box jump over
    DB – 4-8-12-16-20-24
    bbjo 2-4-6-8-10-12-14

Fredag: Friday fun. TC : 35 min
60 Deadlifts (90/70
30 synk burpee
60 Front Squats (60 / 40kg.
30 Synk burpee
60 Push Press (60 / 40kg.
30 Synk burpee
60 clean & jerk 60/40

AMCAP (in remaining time)
Row or bike

A ) alternating E90s x 5 of each

  1. 1/1 TGU
  2. 4-6 strict t2b or 6/8 weighted v-ups
  3. 12 weighted box step-up
  4. 20-20 sec hs hold or flr

B ) team of 2
10 min AMRAP
Sandbag lift to High boxes 140/120

A/ Hellindy intervals
4×4 min on 4 min off (same pace all rounds)
400 m row or 1.2 k AB
21 high swings 24/16
18 air squat
15 push-ups
7 pull-ups

B ) 5 rounds rest 1 min between
30 sec hollow hold
10 hollow to L-sit
10 V-ups
20 alt trunk rotation