Dagens WOD

Programmering v 32

Måndag :
A ) Back squat
5 x 8 start @60-75 % 1 RM

B ) 4 rounds of
6/6 bulgarian split squat + 10 jumping lunges

C ) 21-17-15-12-9
Dual KB/DB deadlift
Row/bike cal

• zon 4

Tisdag :
A ) emotm x 10
1 power snatch + 1 Ohs

B ) AMRAP 3 min of
400 m run
20 power snatch
30 sit-ups
20 burpee
30 KBS
20 power clean

rest 60 sec

AMRAP 6 min

Start from run and follow the chipper

rest 2 min

For time:
Start from run and follow the chipper to end.

• zon 4

Onsdag :
A ) 5 rounds of
5 bamboo press + 6-10 sec oh hold on last rep
10 barbell row
Rest 60 sec

B ) emotm x 25

  1. 4-6 hspu / 6-10 push ups
  2. 1-2 rope climb / 4-6 strict c2b / 4-6 strict pull-ups
  3. 1-3 wall climb
  4. 20 m farmers carry
  5. Rest

Zon 3 +

Torsdag :
A ) E2M x 5
8-10 romanien deadlift

B ) 6 min for quality
8-10 straight leg sit-ups
8/8 half kneeling wood chopper with KB/DB

C ) for time TC : 20 min
40/30 cal AB / row
400 m run with plate 15/10
40 burpee to plate
400 m run
40/30 cal AB / row

• zon 4

Fredag: TGIF team Friday
6 rounds
20 cal row
16 front rack lunges
8 devils press

Start min 20
You go 1 go
3 power cleans
6 pull-ups
9 push-ups

Start min 32
50 synk t2b / synk V-ups
50 synk bfb
50 synk one arm thruster
TC: 43

Zon 4

Lördag :
A ) 5 rounds
8 push press
20 banded press down
4-6 Strict pull-ups
20 banded biceps curl
60 sec rest

B ) E3M x 5
200 m run
10 m walking lunges with KB
6-8 hspu / 6-8 push-ups

• zon 4

Söndag :
A ) clean
E90s x 5
4-6 Power clean
Rest 60 sec
E90s x 5
2-3 Squat clean

B ) 2x 8 min AMRAP rest 2 min

  1. 1000 m row
    Then : rt AMRAP 12 alt DB snatch and 30 doubel unders
  2. 2.4 k assultbike or 1 k Echobike
    Then : rt AMRAP 12 DB front squat and 10 burpee over DB

Zon 4