Måndag :
A ) E90s x 8
Bygg till en tung för dagen power snatch
Eller 2-3 hang power snatch
B ) 16 min AMRAP
20/15 cal row/AB
3 rounds
5 pullups
5/5 DB push press
15 DB front rack squat
• zon 4
Tisdag :
A ) alt emotm x 10
- 6-8 romanien deadlift
- 4-6 strict hspu / 1-2 eccentric hspu
B ) 4 rounds
5/5 DB press
8-10 barbell row
8 poliquin raises
C ) emotm x 10
6-8 front squat
6-8 burpees 2 target
• zon 4
Onsdag :
A ) otmem x 12
- 3/3 windmill
- 20-40 sec flr
- 20 m dual KB front rack carry
B ) 3 x 6 min workout 4 min rest between
- 20 alt DB snatch 20 box jump rt : row/ bikeErg for meters
- välj en maskin som DU har hela passet, goal är så många meter som möjligt • Zon 4
Torsdag :
A ) Backs squat
1 x 8 @70
1 x 8 @75
1 x 8 @80
2x 4 @85
B ) E4m x 6
12/10 cal AB
10 DB box step over
4/4 DB clean
6 t2b
• zon 4
Fredag: 🥳 TGIF team of 2. TC :40
4 Rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters 40/30
15 box jump over
5/3 bmu / 10/8 pull-ups
For time:
2 rounds
800m row
40/30 Cal AB or echobike
For time:
40 Deadlifts 50-60/35-40
30 Hang Power Cleans
20 Ohs
10 burpee pull-ups
20 Ohs
30 hang power cleans
40 deadlift
- rest 3 min between workouts
• Zon 4
Lördag :
A ) e75s x 5
5 bench press medium tungt
8-10 seated dual DB press
B ) e75s x 5
10 gorilla row
15-20 seated banded row
C ) 5 rounds
8-10 cal row
4/4 mixed grip one arm thrusters ( en KB i frontrack och en DB till one arm thrusters )
2-3 rope climb / 12 m seated rope pull or 6-8/6-8 one arm ring row
• zon 4
Söndag : 2 x 20 min workouts 4 min rest between
A ) emotm x 20
- 10-12 lateral raises
- 8-10 dual DB skullcruhser
- 15-20 V-ups
- 15-20 banded biceps curl
- Rest
B ) 20 min AMRAP team om 2
12 Burpee box jump over 70/60cm
18 pull-ups
24 Toes to bar
30 wb
1000m Bike erg
- zon 3-4