Måndag :
A ) Deadlift
1x 5 @65
1x 4 @75
1x 3 @85
2x 3 @90
1x 8-12 @70
B ) 3 min AMRAP 1 min rest x 5
5 thrusters
7 box jump
9 pull-ups
• zon 4
Tisdag :
A ) snatch alt 30 sec x 20
- 1 power snatch
- 1 squat snatch
B ) 20 min AMRAP
15 wb
20 cal row
15 t2b
20 KBS
15 burpees
• zon 4
Onsdag :
A ) Strict press
1x 5 @65
1x 4 @75
1x 3 @85
2x 3 @90
1 x 8-12 @70
B ) 4 set
1-3 strict pull-ups
30 sec rest
6-10 @2020 eccentric ring rows
Rest 60-90
C ) otmem x 15
- 14/10 cal AB
- 1 round Macho man
- 50 Double unders / 45 sec Double unders • zon 4
Torsdag :
A ) Front squat
5x 5 ca 2.5-5 kg mer än förra veckan
B ) 5 Rounds
10 alt DB snatch 22.5/15
7.5 m oh walking lunges
5/5 DB clean & jerk
7.5 m oh walking lunges
Rest 1 min
• zon 4
Fredag: TGIF 🥳 team of 2
Barbara TC : 40 min
5 rounds
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 air squat
• every 2 min do 8/6 cal row/ assultbike each
Zon 4
Lördag :
A ) Bygg till en tung för dagen. TC : 14 min
1 Power clean
1 Hang squat clean
B ) e75m x 20
- 1-2 rope climb
- 1-2 strict hspu + 2-3 kipp hspu / 6-8 push-ups
- 4-6 slamball cleans
- 2-3 wallclimb / 10-14 face to wall shoulder taps
- Rest • zon 4
Söndag :
12 min x 3 Rest 2 min Between
A ) E3M x 4
6-8 dual DB floor press
10-12 skull crushers
rt up to 2 min : banded press down
B ) E3M x 4
10-12 barbell row
8-10 banded up right row
10-12 front raises
C ) 12 min AMRAP
10-12 back extension
8/8 sideplank Powell raise
30 sec static hold dual heavy KB