Måndag : 🕯️ Lucia wod Team om 2 🕯️
40 min AMRAP
Filthy Fifty original
50 Box jump
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 KBS 24/16
50 Walking lunges
50 K2E
50 Push press 20/15
50 Back extension ( goodmorning )
50 wb
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Filthy Fifty with twist
50 power cleans
50 pull-ups
50 DB snatch
50 DB front rack lunges
50 t2b
50 push press
50 deadlift
50 thrusters
50 burpee
50 cal bike
• barbell weight 40/30
• zon 4
Tisdag :
A ) front squat
5x 5 @21X1
B ) alt 2 min on 30 sec rest x 8
- 3 devils press + 5 dual DB box step over
- 8/6 cal row + 10 dual KB lunges • zon 4
Onsdag :
A ) emotm x 10
1-2 squat snatch / 1 power snatch 1 Ohs
B ) 7 min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
40 Double under
3 Wall climb
2 min rest
7 min AMRAP
9 Handstand push ups
6 Burpees
3 Snatch 50-70/35-42.5
2 min rest
7 min AMRAP
10 cal bike
5 clean 60-70/ 40-45
• zon 4
Torsdag :
A ) strict press
1x 5 @65
1x 4 @75
1x 2 @85
1x 2 @90
1x 2 @95
1x 8-12 @75
B ) 4 set
2-4 strict pull-ups
Rest 30 sec
4-6 banded pull-ups
Rest 60 sec
C ) 15 rounds TC : 15 min
1 squat clean & jerk
3 Burpee
5 box jump over
• zon 4
Fredag: TGIF team of 2 🎉
A ) 6 Rounds for time of:
15 t2b
12m HSW / 15 m bear crawl
9 Ohs 40/30
B ) 21-15-9-9-15-21 reps for time of:
Cal bike
Thrusters 40/30
C ) 7 Rounds for time of:
7 strict Pull-ups
7 Ring Dips
7 push-ups
Rest 3 min between A-B-C
Zon 4
Lördag :
A ) Deadlift
1x 6 @55
1x 5 @65
1x 3 @75
1x 3 @80
1x 2 @85
B ) 4 set
6/6 landmine press
12 gorilla row
C ) E3M x 5
12/10 cal bike
10 front squat
• zon 4
Söndag :
12 min x 3 Rest 2 min Between
A ) otmem x 12
- 4-6 slamball gtos
- 20 m farmers carry
- 12-16 russian twist
B ) E3M x 4
500 m row
C ) 12 min Cindy