A ) Bygg till en utmanande 1 rep squat clean thrusters
B ) 5 rounds of TC: 15 min
20 box jump
16 DB squat
12 DB snatch
8 DB thrusters
4 burpee box jump over
• use 1 DB 22.5/15
• Zon 4
A ) 5 set of
5 bench press
10 gorilla row
20 sec dual KB front hold
B ) 20 power cleans 40/25
20 cal row / bike
20 pull-ups / ring row
15 power cleans 50/35
15 cal row/ bike
15 t2b / knee raises
10 power cleans 60/40
10 cal row/ bike
10 c2b / strict pull-ups
5 power clean 70/50
5 cal row / bike
5 bmu / burpee – pull-ups
• zon 4
A ) Front squat
Alt E90s x 10
- 5 front squat
- 10 jumping lunges
B ) Aerobic pacing intervals 2x 10 min rest 4 min between
70 double unders / 120 SU
50 cal row/ bike
30 wb
15 KBS 32/24
rt: 5 push-ups 10 sit-ups 15 air squat
• zon 4
A ) alt emotm x 12
- 8-10 seated KB/DB press
- 10-20 sec static hold in top position of a pull-ups ( hollow hold )
B ) 5 rounds of 1 min work
Min 1. Skierg
Min 2. Burpee to target
Min 3. Slamball cleans
Min 4. Barbell shoulder to oh ( 40-50/20-30 )
Min 5. Rest
• zon 4
Fredag : TGIF TC : 35-40 min
3 Rounds for time of:
– 12 Bar-facing Burpees
– 9 Thrusters, 50/35
– 6 Ring Muscle-ups / 6 burpee – pull-ups
AMRAP 7 minutes of:
– 7 Kettlebell Swings, 32/24
– 7/5 Calories, Air bike
5 Rounds for time of:
– 10 front squat / Ohs 50/35
– 10 t2b
• rest 3 min between workouts
• Zon 4
A ) warm-up and preperd for squat snatch / power snatch
B ) 4 rounds of
– 35/25 cal row / bike
– 5 snatch
– 35/25 cal row / bike
– 5 snatch
Rest 3 min
• zon 4
Söndag : 3 x 10 min workouts 2 min rest and transion
- Alt otmem x 10
a ) 5/5 one leg deadlift
b ) 8-10 slamball hip thrust - 10 min AMRAP
3 strict pull-ups
6 weighted box step ups
10 seesaw KB press - split as you like TC : 10 min
100 banded bear hold row
100 banded biceps curl
100 banded triceps pressdown • zon 3