Måndag :
A ) 5 rounds of
5 romanien deadlift @21X1
Rest 45-60 sec
8-10/8-10 KB Crock row
Rest 60 sec
B ) team of 2 ( you go i go )
3 rounds
20 u.b thrusters 40-50/25-30
20 boxstep ups dual DB 20-22.5/12-15
20/15 cal AB or 17/12 cal echobike
- zon 4
Tisdag :
A ) alt e75s x 6
- 2 push press b.n 2 snatch balance
- 4-6 Ohs
B ) 3 rounds
800 m run
12 pull-ups
24 wb
40 Double unders / 20 burpees
- zon 4
Onsdag :
A ) 5 rounds
6 front squat @75-80 %
B ) 4 rounds of
15 m walking lunges dual DB front rack hold
15 dual DB front rack squat
Rest 60-90 sec
C ) e90sec x 12
1 MU / 3 strict pull-ups / 5 ring row
2 dual KB snatch
3 dual KB squat clean
- Zon 4
Torsdag :
A ) emotm x 8
2-3 Split jerk built weight over time
B ) 4 rounds of
2-3 strict pull-ups + 10-12 biceps curl
12-15 banded push down
Rest as needed
C ) for time
10 DB one arm devils press
20 slamball cleans
30 DB push press
40 rkbs
50 cal row
40 rkbs
30 DB push press
20 slamball cleans
10 DB one arm devils press
- zon 4
Fredag :
A1. ) 5 set bygg till ett utmanande
2-3 Muslesnatch
A2. ) 5 set bygg till ett utmanande
2-3 power snatch
B ) emotm x 20
- Max cal on rower
- 6-10 t2b / 12-15 weighted Abmat sit-ups
- 8-15 heavy wb
- Rest
- zon 4
Lördag : Murph Memorial day

Murph 1.
Run 1 mile ( bort till busshållsplatsen vid slomarp och runda den )
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squat
Run 1 mile
RX: Weight-vest 9/6
Murph 2.
Run 1 mile
20 Rounds of
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squat
Run 1 mile
Murph 3.
Run 1 mile
10 rounds
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 air squat
Run 1 mile
Murph 4 in team of 2
Both run
1 mile
Split anyhow
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 airsquat
Both run
1 mile
- zon 4
Söndag :
A ) 40 min strongman and static work
2-4 heavy slamball lift up and over target
20-30 sec Face to Wall hold
30 m KB carry ( suitcase carry )
20-30 sec static hang in rigg
6-8 slamball get-up
20-30 sec flr on dual KB / rings
100 m bearhug