Dagens WOD

Programmering v 36

Programmering v 36

A/E2M x 5 

3 power snatch + 3 Ohs @60-65-65-70-70
B/ Front squat E2M x 5

4 r @60-70-70-80 -80
C/ goat training practise 

Double unders, hs walk/stand, pistols.

A/ 3 x11 min 3 min rest between
alt emotm 3 of each and then 2 min burpees

a1. 8-10 t2b

a2. 9-11/8-10 cal AB

a3. 6-9 over and under pvc pipe (hurdle) 60 cm
B/ 12 u.b push-press

    18/16 cal row
C/ 1000 m run

then: 5 rounds: 6 strict pull-ups, 9 push-ups, 12 goblet squat

A/E2M x 4 

3 power clean + 2 push-jerk @60%

3 pc + 2 pj @65

2 pc + 2 pj @70

2 pc + 2 pj@70
B/e2mx 6 backsquat

1. 4r@60%

2. 4r@70%

3. 4r@70%

4. 4r@80%

5. 2r@85%

6. 4r@80%
C/ AMRAP 7 min no stress!

3/3 windmill

10×2 m one arm oh walk left/right

30 sec hollow

A/emotm x25 obs! pace your workout all 30 sec

a1. 30 sec pull-ups

a2. 30 sec hspu

a3. 30 sec t2b

a4. 30 sec ring dips

a5. rest
B/ 1 min on 1 min off x 6 of each

 5 KBS 32/24