Dagens WOD

Programmering v 41

Programmering v 41

A/5 x 6r front squat rest 2 min between 
B/ alt 6 set 2 min on 2 min off

b1.300/250 m row rt: burpee over erg

b2. 40 sec skierg rt: wb

A/ warm-up 3×3 drop to split jerk ( focus footwork)
B/ 5×3 jerk @75-80% rest 2 min between
C/ for time:

10 squat clean 60/40

20 pull-ups

30 hr push-ups

40 rkbs 32/24

50 cal row or 35 cal AB

40 rkbs

30 hr push-ups

20 20 pull-ups

10 squat clean

A/ e90s x 8 

2r high hang snatch @80%
B/ 3×8/8 bulgarian split squat @30X1
C/ alt 90s x 10 ( 5 of each)

1.8-10 barbell row

2.30 sec max reps strict pull-ups

A/ E3M x 5 

4-5 r back squat @75-80%
B/ e4m x 6

10 hang clean 42,5/30

10 push-press  

20 box jump

25 DU
Fredag: team of 2

A/ cash in: 5000/2000 kg deadlift
3 rounds of 

400 m run with weight 20/10

40 KBS 24/16

30 KB or hantel snatch KB 24/16 H 22,5/15

20 goblet squat 32/24

10 burpee to t2b
Cash-out : 100 wb

A/ E2M x 8

1 clean & jerk built load over time
B/ emotm for 15 min

1.5/5 front rack lunges

2. 1 rope climb

3. 30-40 sec nose to wall hs or 30-40 hs walk

A/ 3 rounds for time

10 KB press @2011

rest 30 sec

10 m one arm KB oh walk Left 10 m right

rest 30sec

1/1 TGU
B/ 3 rounds for time

12 pull-ups

12/9 strict hspu

10 Ohs 60/40 from floor