Dagens WOD

Programmering v46

Programmering v 46

A/ Back squat E2M  

set 1. 4r @70

set 2. 4r@70

set 3. 3r@80

set 4. 3r@80

K/T 5x4r controlled tempo
B/ 5 set of: rest 1-2 min between set

6 biceps curl

8-10 banded push-down

8-10/8-10 KB crock row

A/3 x 8 min AMRAP

alt emotm 

a1. 10-12 romanien deadlift with KB

a2. 9-10/8-9 cal AB
B/ 8 min AMRAP

    16 wb

    6 burpee o box
C/ 8 min 

   2-3 strict t2b / K/T knee raises

   12 step-up KB oh lunges / K/T WL with plate

A/2 rounds of quality warm-up

5 Ohs @40X0

5 musle snatch

5 power snacth
K/T pvc pipe 

3×5 Ohs slow and controlled tempo
B/ within 12 min 

2 snatch anyhow 3sec @mid-chin and catch pos
K/T hang clean 3sec @catch pos
C/ 3 rft

15 cal row

1-2 rope climb or 6/6-10/10 one arm ring row

8 hspu/ hr push-ups

4x 10 m shuttle-run
torsdag:Back squat

A/ E2M x 4 

1. 4 @70

2. 4@75

3. 3@80

4. 3@85
K/T 5×5 controlled backsquat
B/20 min AMRAP

16 box jump

12 DB snatch

10 t2b

8 perfect box-jump

4/4 KB clean & press

10 v-ups

1000 m row

100 medball clean

rest 3 min

100 DU

100 push-ups

rest 3 min

75 sprawls

75 stoh with KB 24/16

rest 3 min

50 thrusters

50 c2b

1000 m row

100 slam ball

rest 3 min

100 DU

100 push-ups 

rest 3 min

75 sprawls

75 KB stoh 4-8 kg

rest 3 min

50 wb

50 ring row

A/ E2M x 5 power clean

3 r 60-70-70-80-80 
K/T deadlift 5x 3 controlled and perfect deadlift.
B/ e90s x 15
b1. 4-6 strict press BN  

b2. 30-40 sec frl

b3. 3-4 strict pull-ups @21X1

A/ emotm x 25 (work 15-20 sec every min)

a1. kipp pull-ups-kipp-hang

a2. hspu-kickup to wall-hs hold-wall plank- plank

a3. t2b-k2e-knee raises-v-ups

a4. strict ring-dips-diamond push-ups

a5 rest