Dagens WOD

Programmering v 12

A/e4m x 7 85 % effort
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 front squat
10 burpees
( 2 power clean för K/T och skalat )
3-4 x 10 m shuttle-run

B/ alt emotm for 10 min
b1 russian twist
b2 sec plank hold

A/ e6m x 6
6 back squat ( increase 2 rep each round and decrease load )
6-10 push-ups/ hspu
10-12 pull-ups/ ring row
4-8 ring dips
8-12 barbell row

A/ alt E2M x10 (5 of each)
a1. 10-12 bamboo press
a2. 6/6 slow bulgarian split squat

B/ 14 min AMRAP 80-85% effort
15 wb
15 cal AB/ 22 cal row
10 D-ball over shoulder

A/ for 15 min est 1 clean & jerk ( challenge to do a perfect lift for today)

B/ 5 min AMRAP
clean & jerk @80% of A ( only good reps are counted, no stepping around )

C/ E2M x 5 3-5 hb backsquat @85% 1 rm

Fredag : team friday
The seven

person 1 do 7 reps and person 2 rest total 7 rounds 7 each team !

A/e90s x 12
a1. 6/6 hb lunges
a2. 8-10 DB bench press
a3. 4-6 strict pull-ups add weight if needed

B/ 7 min AMRAP ( pick a number and stick to the plan during 7 min AMRAP)
4-10 box-jump
4-10 pull-ups
rest 5 min
7 min AMRAP
4-10 power clean/ snatch
4-10 t2b

Söndag: KB