Dagens WOD

Programmering v 26

Prog v.26

A) Technique hang power snatch
B) 12 min AMRAP
8 DB front rack squats
15 m front rack DB lunges
8 alt D-ball ground to over shoulder
120 m run ( runt boxen )

A) E4m x 5
4/4 hb lunges to block ( ca 10 cm vikt platta )
6-8 slow and back squats

B) E90s x 5
6-8 seated strictpress b.n
6-8 strict chin-ups
C) 15 min strengt and for quality
1/1 TGU
8/8 weighted russian twist
20-30 sec rope battle
20-30 sec flr

A) 2 sets of 4 intervals ( 1 set= a1,a2,a1,a2 ) 2 min on 2 min off rest 6 min between sets.
1. 5 power clean
5 c2b
5 bfb
2. 5 push jerk
7 t2b
35 DU / 10 cal AB

A) Alt strenght circle 4 set rest 2min between
8/8 staggered KB deadlift 2x KB
8-10/8-10 one arm DB row
10m bottom-up KB carry left arm + 10 m bottom-up KB carry right arm.
B) E4m x 5
14-16 face to wall shoulder taps/ 2 wall walk or scaled up to 5-7 m hs walk
12 cal AB/ skierg
8/8 alt step up on high boxes or scaled up to 16 alt pistols
50 DU/ 200 m run

Fredag: Friday fun TC: 40 min ( all teams going for run/row/AB )
1. 1000 m row/AB
40 squat clean 60/40
40 burpee o bar

Rest 3 min
1000 m run ( both)
40 shoulder to overhead
40 pull-ups

Rest 3 min
1000 m row/2,0 distance AB
40 thrusters
40 t2b

A) emotm for 36 min
1. 8-12 v-ups
2. 8-10/7-9 AB
3. 8/8-10/10 dynamic side plank
4. 9-11/8-10 row
5. 10-15 double KB hang clean and press ( light weight)
6. 8-10 banded goodmornings
7. 9-11/8-10 skierg
8. 8/8 side plank rotation
9. 8-10 barbell row

A) Hero Devil of Ramal ish
4 rounds in team of 2
8 manmaker ( 1 reps = 1 push-ups 1 clean 1 thrusters / partner in plan hold
20 deadlift 90/70 /partner in wall-sit
24 one arm thrusters DB / partner in Scissors kicks

Cash out: 5000m go for rowing