Dagens WOD

Programmering v 27

Vecka 27
A) Alt emotm 14 min
1. 2 deadlift @3211 Heavy !!
2. 3-5 hspu @2011 or push-ups @21×1
B) Alt emotm 26 min
1. 5-9 tng hang power clean
2. 5-11 burpees
3. 5-9 tng push press/ jerk
4. 4/4-5/5 forward lunges

4×7 min pieces
A) 5 rounds
10 AB-mat situps
15 light KBS
rt: AB
B) 8/8 side plank
12 DB thrusters
rt: over and under hurdle
C) 7 t2b
7 burpee to target
rt: shuttle run
D) 7/7 hip circle
14 box jump
rt: row

A) Teachnique push-jerk
B) 4 min on 1 min off for 15 min
Pic one exercise : run,row,erg or bike
C) 4 min on 1 min off for 15 min
8 KB snatch 24/16
4 m one arm oh lunges with same KB
20 DU
10 pull-ups
8 KB snatch
4 m one arm oh lunges
20 DU
10 t2b

A) Within 8 min est a heavy clean and jerk
B) E90s x 6 1 squat clean & split or push jerk @85-90 from A
C) emotm x 6 1 power clean & push jerk @80-85 of A
D) 5 rft
9 cluster
12 c2b
45 DU

Fredag team
2 rounds
100 DU
20 Ohs 50/35
Rest 3 min
3 rounds
20 bf burpees
20 power clean 65/45
Rest 3 min
4 rounds
20 front squat 75/50
20 pull-ups

A) E 4 min x 4
10 DB bench press @21X1
14-16 DB lateral raises
B) E 90 s x 9
1. 5-7 spull-ups
2. 5-7 sring dips
3. 30-40 sec hs hold face to wall/ shoulder taps/ walk
C) 7 min AMRAP
8 heavy DB front squat
8 t2b
8 D-ball gtos

Monster mash with a twist TC: 45 min
400 m run
20 burpees
500 m row
19 burpees
1,2 distance AB
18 burpees etc etc etc
Until 1 burpee

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