Dagens WOD

Programmering v 44

Måndag :
A) 5 set x 6 reps frontsquat. 80-85%
B ) E4m x 4
10 seated press b.n
10/10 crockrow. DB/KB
C ) team of 2
50 pull-ups
40 thrusters
30 synk burpee to plate

TC: 6 min

Tisdag :
A ) 4 rounds
4-6 strict hspu or deficit push-ups
6-8 strict pull-ups

B ) E3M x 5
1 round DT
10/8 cal AB or 14/10 cal row

Onsdag :
A) mikkos triangel
40 min
1 min AB
1 min row
1 ski
1 min rest

Torsdag :
A ) hspu technique
B ) emotm x 14
Even min 3-5 hspu ( scaled-up to deficit or strict )
Uneven min 30-40 sec shuttle-run

Fredag team Friday
A) 3 min amcap
AB direct into
3 min amcap
Row direct into
2 min double unders

Rest 5 min

B ) from Highway games
80 wb 9/6 ( rx herrar 12 kg wb damer 9 kg )
40 clean & jerk 40/30 ( rx 60/40)
20 deadlift 100/80 ( rx 140/100)
20 deficit push-ups ( deficit hspu 20+10 kg vikt/ 20 kg vikt )

Lördag :
A) e5m x 5
5/5 alt lunges frontrack hold
10 goodmornings
30 m suitcase carry ( heavy )

B ) 21-15-9
Squat clean 60/40
Ring dips or deficit push-ups

3x 10 min
1. emotm for 10 min
Even min: 10/10 trunk rotation
Uneven min : 10 hollow rock + 5 v-ups

2. Row for meters
E2M : 5 burpee o erg

3. 5/5 DB snatch
5/5 DB hang clean and press
5/5 half TGU ( från liggande till sittande och tillbaks )