Dagens WOD

Programmering v 32

A ) emotm for 15 min
Min 1. Chin over bar static hold Amsap
Min 2. hs walk 7-10 m / hs Wall run x 12-16 r
Min 3. 4-8 strict t2b

B ) 2x 8 min AMRAP rest 5 Min between

  1. 6 t2b
    12 alt DB snatch 22.5/15
    6 hspu / 6 Hr push-ups
    6 box jump
  2. 10 burpee o DB
    6 box step over with DB
    10 pull-ups

Tisdag :
A ) E2M x 6
3 hang clean + 1 jerk

B )back squat
Set 1. 5 r @75%
Set 2. 3 r @85%
Set 3. 1 r @90%
Set 4-6. 3 r @85%

B ) for max reps
2 min burpee box jump
Rest 1 min
2 min wb
Rest 1 min
2 min double-unders or bike for cal

Onsdag :
A ) 4 x 8-10 r front rack alt reverse lunges @3011
Rest 1 min between sets

B ) team of 2 TC: 25 min
Pers 1. 2500 m row
Pers 2. 80 burpees o bar ( Open standard )
60 front squat 60/40
40 burpee o bar
20 Ohs / front squat

Torsdag :
A ) E90s x 6.
3-4 r b.n push press

B ) 4 rounds of
2 rope climb or 6-8 strict pull-ups
4 clean & jerk 60-80/45-60
6 strict hspu / 12 push-ups

Fredag : team of 2. TC 40 min
3 rounds of DT 70/47.5
3 rounds of Cindy
2 rounds of DT
2 rounds of Cindy
1 rounds of DT
1 rounds of Cindy

Rest 5 min

6 rounds of
7 hspu
7 burpee box jump over
7 thrusters 60/40

Lördag :
A ) E90s x 6 ( jobba från rack )
1 snatch balance
1 push press ( b.n snatch grip )
1 Ohs

B ) emotm for 24 min
Min 1. Row 200/150
Min 2. 15 DU + 8-10 t2b
Min 3. 5 DB burpee box step over

Söndag : Freaky sunday TC : 40 min
A ) 800 m run
30 KBS 24/16
Then : Annie 50-40-30-20-10
DU and sit-ups ( scaled DU = single x 2 )
800 m run
30 KBS 24/16

 Buy out : Karen