Dagens WOD

Programmering v 24

A 1. ) 4 x 12 bench press
A2. ) 4 x 12 gorilla row

B ) 20 min emotm

  1. 45 sec Machine work
  2. 12-16 Face to wall shoulder taps / 12-16 shoulder taps plank hold or peakhold on boxes
  3. 12 alt KB front rack lunges
  4. 6-10 t2b / weighted v-ups

A ) 5 set of
6-8 romanien deadlift @21X1
Amsap of 2 KB static oh hold

B ) 35 min AMRAP
2 k AB or 800 m run
12 push-ups or 8 hspu
500 m row
12 ring row or 8 c2b

A ) Bygg till en utmanande set of 3 tng powersnatch or Ohs

B ) 3 min on 2 min off x 5 ( start every new round start, can you get to same number every round ? )
2-4-6-8-10 etc
one arm DB thrusters
Burpee over DB

A1.) 10 min emotm 1-3 rep backsquat bygg upp till en tung 1:a eller 3 medium.
A2. 5 min emotm 1-3 fortsätt att göra sista 5 set på den sist gjorda vikten.

B ) alt 10 min emotm

  1. 4-6 KB press ( left arm )+ 10 sec bottom up static rack hold
  2. 4-6 KB press ( right arm ) + 10 sec bottom up static rack hold

C ) for time : TC 15 min
6 rounds of:
4 devils press 22.5/15
8 dual DB squats
Then: 200 m sandbag/ Slamball bearhug carry

Fredag : Friday mashup

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Calories, Row

15-12-9 reps for time of:
Power Snatch, 35/25
Calories, Bike

12-9-6 reps for time of:
Front Squat, 80/55 ( barbell takes from floor )

*Rest 5 minutes between workouts.

A ) 4 x 12 seated strict press
4 x 6-8 strict pull-ups /add weight and do

B ) 3 rounds of
20 cal bike and 20 t2b / knee raises
direct into :
5 rounds
60 Double unders/ 200 cal Skierg and 10 c2b / burpee to target

A ) E2M x 10
1 hang power clean
1 hang squat clean / power into front squat
( fokusera på att dra färdigt )

B ) 5 rounds of
3 push press b.n 3 sec pause @top

C ) 2 min on 30 sec off x 6 ( 3 off each, 1 min rest vid bytet )

  1. 5 slamball cleans, 5 burpee box jump
  2. 10 wb, 10 alt lunges with wb front hold