Dagens WOD

Programmering v 23

Måndag :
A ) 5 set
10 alt heavy lunges take barbell from rack
Rest 60-90 sec

B ) emotm x 5
Min 1. 6-8 jumping squat with barbell back rack

C ) E3M x 5
30 m shuttle run
8-10 burpee box jump over

• zon 4

Tisdag :
A ) e75s x 6
2 push press
2 push jerk / split Jerk

B ) 4 set
4-6 strict pull-ups
10/10 DB row
Rest 30-60 sec

C ) 12 min AMRAP
5 pull-ups
5/5 one arm thrusters with DB
5 t2b
10 DB snatch

• zon 4

Onsdag :
A ) e30s x 10
Clean & jerk

B ) 4 set 3 min on 2 min off
400 m run
rt: wb

• Zon 4

Torsdag :
A ) E3M x 5
10-12 goodmorning
12 russian twist with plate
20 m farmers walk with heavy KB

B ) emotm x 25

  1. 1-2 rope climb / ring pull-ups
  2. 4-6 hspu / deficit push-ups
  3. 30-45 sec Double unders
  4. 12-15/8-12 cal bike
  5. Rest • zon 4

Fredag : TGIF TC : 40-45 min
Heavy Whitten ish in team ( använd eget material )
5 rounds
22 power cleans 50/35
22 box jump 75/60
400 m run ( togheter )
22 burpee box step over dual DB 22.5/15
22 thrusters 50/35

• zon 4

Lördag :
A ) Take 10 min to built up 3 RM bench press

B ) 4 rounds for quality
10 sidebent with KB ( left )
10 m one arm oh KB carry
10 sidebent with KB ( right )
10 m one arm oh walk

C ) 15 min
10 deadlift 80/60
16 alt DB snatch
10 pull-ups
40 Double unders / 60 singel unders

• zon 4

Söndag :
A ) 3 x 10 min workout rest 2 min between

  1. Row for meters every 2 min 5 burpee o erg
  2. 6 slamball cleans 6 slamball squat 20 m slamball bearhug carry
  3. Alt 30 sec on 30 sec rest x 10
    1. AB-mat Sit-ups
    2. 15 sec each side dynamic side plank
    hö/vä • zon 3+